…And We’re Back.
Hello?! Is this thing on??
After eight years or so, I decided to bring back my personal blog. I feel like I have some things to say and need an outlet to say them. Yes, I’ve said a lot on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social profiles, but those are on platforms where I don’t necessarily have full control of that content. Not that anyone will be turning off Facebook anytime soon … but I’d sure like to pull my Top 8 from MySpace. I had a pretty fly MySpace page — back in 2006.

After starting at St. Peter’s in 2015, I quickly learned that someone was always ready and willing to take a social media post out of context. So I pulled back—several times. At one point, I booted almost 100 “friends” who were connected. This was after a pretty innocuous post was printed and sent to the Pastor. The post was something to the effect that after running a highly successful “friend-raiser,” I could have a career in event planning. It was sarcasm at its finest, and someone took it as I didn’t like or was unhappy about my job.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be adding backdated posts — migrating them from my social channels again, so I have that history where I want to keep it. But we’ll also be moving forward, writing on topics that interest me or that I just have something to say about.
If you had asked me in high school, I never would have guessed that a good portion of my adult life would involve writing. I went into television initially so I wouldn’t have to write, but now I write something almost every day.
Hopefully, they’re constructive, opportunities to spark discussion or just questions. I don’t want to be the next Karen/Ken — just looking for a place to complain.
If you’re here to read. Thanks for taking the time.